zctl - zephyr control program
zctl [ options ]
Zctl is a general purpose control program for the
Zephyr(1) Notification Service. It allows the user to
subscribe to specific notice types, to save the subscrip-
tions in a file (default $HOME/.zephyr.subs), to change
his location information, and to send control messages to
the HostManager, zhm(8), and the WindowGram client,
The commands may be typed on the command line, or may be
entered interactively by just typing zctl and then typing
commands to the prompt.
NOTE: For all commands accepting an optional recipient
argument, the recipient defaults to your Kerberos princi-
pal. You may also subscribe to recipient ``*''. If you
specify a recipient, it is silently converted to ``*''.
The commands are as follows:
add class instance [ recipient ]
Subscribe to class, instance, recipient,
and add this triplet to the subscriptions
add_unsubscription class instance [ recipient ]
Unsubscribe to class, instance, recipient,
and add this triplet to the subscriptions
file as an un-subscription. For an expla-
nation of un-subscriptions, see below.
cancel Cancel all subscriptions.
defaults Retrieve the default subscription list from
the Zephyr server.
delete class instance [ recipient ]
Unsubscribe to class, instance, recipient,
and remove this triplet from the subscrip-
tions file.
delete_unsubscription class instance [ recipient ]
Unsubscribe to class, instance, recipient,
and remove this triplet from the subscrip-
tions file as an un-subscription.
file [ file ] Set default subscriptions file to file. If
file isn't specified, show what the current
subscriptions file is.
flush_locs Tell the Zephyr servers to flush all loca-
tion information associated with the user.
This should only be used to remove any
incorrect data that may have been left
after a system crash.
hide Hide your location as maintained by the
Zephyr server. This does not affect the
value of the exposure variable (see below,
under set).
hm_flush Tell the HostManager, zhm(8), to ask the
server to flush all state associated with
the current host.
list [ file ] List contents of current subscriptions file
or file. Any macros in the file (see
below) are displayed verbatim and not
list_requests List all available commands. May be abbre-
viated by '?'.
load [ file ] Subscribe to all subscription triplets and
unsubscribe to all un-subscription triplets
in current subscriptions file or file.
new_server Tell the HostManager, zhm(8), to find a new
Zephyr server.
quit Exit from zctl.
retrieve Retrieve all current subscriptions from the
Zephyr server. These include subscriptions
that might have been made by other pro-
grams, such as znol(1).
save [ file ] Save all current subscriptions (as returned
by the Zephyr server) into current sub-
scriptions file or file. The file will be
set var [ value ]
Set the value of Zephyr variable var to
value, or null if no value is specified.
The variable exposure has special signifi-
cance, and can only be set to the values
none, opstaff, realm-visible, realm-
announced, net-visible, and net-announced.
Setting this variable immediately updates
the information in the Zephyr servers (see
below for an explanation of the exposure
levels). In addition, setting this vari-
equivalent of a wg_shutdown command, and
setting it to one of the other values auto-
matically performs the equivalent of a
wg_startup command.
Any variable settings you make will be
stored in $HOME/.zephyr.vars
show var [ var ... ]
Show the value of the specified Zephyr
variables. If a variable is not defined in
the user's own variables file, the system
variables file (/etc/athena/zephyr.vars) is
searched for a default value.
subscribe class instance [ recipient ]
Subscribe to class, instance, recipient,
but don't add this triplet to the subscrip-
tions file.
unhide Make your location as maintained by the
Zephyr server visible. This does not
affect the value of the exposure variable.
unload [ file ]
Unsubscribe to all subscription triplets in
current subscriptions file or file. Un-
subscriptions in the file are ignored.
unset var [ var ... ]
Delete the definitions of the specified
Zephyr variables.
unsubscribe class instance [ recipient ]
Unsubscribe to class, instance, recipient,
but don't remove this triplet from the sub-
scriptions file.
wg_read Tell the WindowGram client, zwgc(1), to
reread its description file.
wg_shutdown Tell the WindowGram client to shutdown;
this causes it to ignore all notices until
a wg_startup command is issued.
wg_startup Tell the WindowGram client to start accept-
ing notices again; useful after a wg_shut-
down command has been issued.
There are three macros, %host%, %canon%, and %me%. %host%
is converted to the current hostname, %canon% is converted
to the official hostname as returned by gethostbyname(3),
and %me% is converted to your Kerberos principal. These
arguments to commands to specify the class or instance
fields. A sample $HOME/.zephyr.subs file might contain
the following:
Zctl reads the environment variable WGFILE, to find the
name of the file where the windowgram port resides. If
WGFILE is not set, the file name defaults to /tmp/wg.uid,
where uid is the user's UNIX uid.
The zephyr server, zephyrd(8), maintains default subscrip-
tions which are automatically added to all users' sub-
scriptions at the time of their first subscription during
a login session. If you wish to automatically remove some
of these default subscriptions, you use un-subscriptions.
When you load a subscription file containing un-subscrip-
tions, the un-subscriptions are automatically sent to the
server as if you had used the unsubscribe command.
The different exposure levels affect the operation of
zephyr and its interaction with the user, as follows:
none This completely disables Zephyr for the user.
The user is not registered with Zephyr. No user
location information is retained by Zephyr. No
login or logout announcements will be sent. No
subscriptions will be entered for the user, and
no notices will be displayed by zwgc(1).
opstaff The user is registered with Zephyr. No login or
logout announcements will be sent, and location
information will only be visible to Operations
staff. Default subscriptions and any additional
personal subscriptions will be entered for the
The user is registered with Zephyr. User loca-
tion information is retained by Zephyr and made
available only to users within the user's Ker-
beros realm. No login or logout announcements
will be sent. This is the system default.
Default subscriptions and any additional per-
sonal subscriptions will be entered for the
The user is registered with Zephyr. User loca-
available only to users authenticated within the
user's Kerberos realm. Login and logout
announcements will be sent, but only to users
within the user's Kerberos realm who have
explicitly requested such via subscriptions.
Default subscriptions and any additional per-
sonal subscriptions will be entered for the
The user is registered with Zephyr. User loca-
tion information is retained by Zephyr and made
available to any authenticated user who requests
such. Login and logout announcements will be
sent only to users within the user's Kerberos
realm who have explicitly requested such via
subscriptions. Default subscriptions and any
additional personal subscriptions will be
entered for the user.
The user is registered with Zephyr. User loca-
tion information is retained by Zephyr and made
available to any authenticated user who requests
such. Login and logout announcements will be
sent to any user has requested such. Default
subscriptions and any additional personal sub-
scriptions will be entered for the user.
zctl Runs zctl in interactive mode.
zctl load Load subscriptions and un-sub-
scriptions from
$HOME/.zephyr.subs file.
zctl sub message personal
Subscribe to personal messages,
but don't add this to the sub-
scriptions file.
zctl save Save all current subscriptions to
the default subscriptions file.
zctl set exposure none Set your exposure level to
`none', effectively turning off
The current implementation of the Zephyr server
(zephyrd(8)) makes no distinction between realm-announced,
net-visible and net-announced exposure levels.
zephyr(1), zwgc(1), zhm(8), zephyrd(8) gethostbyname(3)
Project Athena Technical Plan Section E.4.1, `Zephyr Noti-
fication Service'
Robert S. French (MIT-Project Athena)
Copyright (c) 1987,1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. All Rights Reserved.
zephyr(1) specifies the terms and conditions for redistri-
Man(1) output converted with