ZHM(8)                                                     ZHM(8)


       zhm - Zephyr HostManager


       /etc/athena/zhm  [  -d ] [ -h ] [ -r ] [ -i ] [ server ...


       Zhm is the link between a client machine  and  the  zephyr
       server.   All notices sent from programs on the client are
       funneled through zhm.  This allows all client programs  to
       be  much  simpler  in  function,  since the HostManager is
       responsible  for  handling  errors,  retransmitting   lost
       notices,  and  holding all notices until they are acknowl-

       The -d option turns  on  debugging  mode,  and  sends  its
       information to syslog LOG_DAEMON messages.

       The  -h  option  causes zhm to send a shutdown message and
       exit upon delivery of a SIGHUP signal.  The normal  action
       on  SIGHUP is to send a flush notice to the zephyr server.

       The -r option causes zhm to send  a  boot  notice  to  the
       server and exit when the notice is acknowledged.

       The  -i  option  indicates  that  zhm  is being started by
       inetd(8).  When this option is specified, zhm assumes that
       file descriptor zero (0) is bound to the UDP datagram port
       designated for hostmanager use.  In this mode,  SIGHUP  is
       handled as if the -h option were specified.

       The  optional server arguments are used to replace the set
       of server names supplied by the hesiod(3) name server.


       zephyr(1), zephyrd(8), inetd(8)
       Project Athena Technical Plan Section E.4.1, `Zephyr Noti-
       fication Service'


       David C. Jedlinsky, MIT Project Athena


       Copyright  (c) 1987,1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of
       Technology.  All Rights Reserved.
       zephyr(1) specifies the terms and conditions for redistri-

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