April 14, 2004
Assess signal timing?
One of the most physically challenging intersections for cyclists and pedestrians is the apparently simple intersection of Fell and Masonic.
The hazards come partly from the lack of visibility for cars heading west (left-most lane of Fell St.) turning south onto Masonic: the broad intersection (five lanes by four lanes, plus parking) allows for at-speed turns; and partly from traffic heading crosstown on Masonic, timing lights between Haight and Geary (it is possible, although very difficult, to drive white-knuckled straight through from Haight, the first traffic signal, to Pine -- at which point you're as good as downtown). These hazards make the simple crossing extremely nerve-wracking.
To add insult to injury, this intersection cuts through the middle of a park, and the crosswalk is part of a multi-use trail.
The lame addition of a "Yield to Peds and Bikes" sign about 18 months ago hasn't affected the speed of turning traffic -- they don't see the sign until they're in the turn -- and the crosswalk doesn't have a dedicated "Walk" phase.
The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition have posted their endorsement.