KSRVUTIL(8) UNIX System Manager's Manual KSRVUTIL(8)
ksrvutil host kerberos keyfile (srvtab) manipulation utility
ksrvutil [-f keyfile] [-i] [-k] [-p principal] [-r realm] operation
ksrvutil allows a system manager to list or change keys currently in his
keyfile or to add new keys to the keyfile.
Operation must be one of the following:
list lists the keys in a keyfile showing version number and principal
name. If the -k option is given, keys will also be shown.
change changes all the keys in the keyfile by using the regular admin
protocol. If the -i flag is given, ksrvutil will prompt for yes
or no before changing each key. If the -k option is used, the
old and new keys will be displayed.
add allows the user to add a key. add prompts for name, instance,
realm, and key version number, asks for confirmation, and then
asks for a password. ksrvutil then converts the password to a
key and appends the keyfile with the new information. If the -k
option is used, the key is displayed.
get gets a service from the Kerberos server, possibly creating the
principal. Names, instances and realms for the service keys to
get are prompted for. The default principal used in the kadmin
transcation is your root instance. This can be changed with the
-p option.
In all cases, the default file used is KEY_FILE as defined in krb.h un-
less this is overridden by the -f option.
A good use for ksrvutil would be for adding keys to a keyfile. A system
manager could ask a kerberos administrator to create a new service key
with kadmin(8) and could supply an initial password. Then, he could use
ksrvutil to add the key to the keyfile and then to change the key so that
it will be random and unknown to either the system manager or the ker-
beros administrator.
ksrvutil always makes a backup copy of the keyfile before making any
If ksrvutil should exit on an error condition at any time during a change
or add, a copy of the original keyfile can be found in filename.old where
filename is the name of the keyfile, and a copy of the file with all new
keys changed or added so far can be found in filename.work. The original
keyfile is left unmodified until the program exits at which point it is
removed and replaced it with the workfile. Appending the workfile to the
backup copy and replacing the keyfile with the result should always give
Emanuel Jay Berkenbilt, MIT Project Athena
KTH-KRB May 4, 1996 2
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